Thursday, November 15, 2007

MiamiMan Pics, You want it, you got it

Crystal Clear Larry and Penny Thompson Lake

Sam Stooging in T1

Sam running with Jose (Jose hung for about a mile and then ran into the bushes, not sure what he did there)

Coming into the finish (ecstatic to be almost done)

Amber's abstract triathlon photo (pretty cool, I think)

Mark and Sam struggling to stand up and look human

The momster

Amber and I celebrating


Nate Youngblood said...

Nice choice on the black/green and yellow color motif. I'd feel odd commenting on it if I wasn't so sure that you picked it out intentionally.

Nate Youngblood said...
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Sam said...

actually Nate, the main reason I went with it was that it's easy to see. I had complaints about my black/white combo being 1. Boring, and 2. Difficult to spot in a crowd.

However, the Black/White will be back. Whenever people don't come to my race, I'll be sporting it.

Amber said...

no to the b & w, amber loves the green!!!