Saturday, August 04, 2007

But we need a little Contro-versy

So there are numerous "reports" that aspartame, and sucralose and whatever other compounds people choose to use are poisons and are slowly killing them. Now, it's obvious that there are many things that people use or are subjected to that are technically "slowly killing them." For instance, drinking water that has been treated (depending on your location) has somewhere between 1 in 50 million to 1 in a billion chance of killing a person if one does the environmental engineering math (so many oz a day for 75 years, etc). We consider this an acceptable risk.
But it seems impossible to find information about these sweeteners that is truly substantiated and valid. I'm not saying I know what's going on with them, but I use them sometimes. If in fact, they are making me stupid, giving me headaches (which they don't for me), or slowing my metabolism, I'd like to discontinue the use. So does anyone have any good info on this stuff? I'd like to hear some reasoned opinions. Now as I say that, all us diet coke drinkers are gonna have to drink a caffeine free one and calm down before we get upset about the perceived perfection of our drug of choice. Seriously though, I wanna know what the deal is.


Bill said...

Of all the research that I've found, we'd have to eat a 250 packet box each day to achieve the results that they observe in their test rats.

Give up sweetener, get fat with sugar. Trade one health issue for another.

Go with what you're comfortable with.

Steve Cullum said...

I just don't like the way that stuff tastes. Give me some good old fashioned sugar.


i have not real clue as to which are bad or good. i agree that probably you would have to be seriously pounding the stuff to do any real damage...sadly most research is that way these days; done to prove a one sided point, seemingly from the get-go. "coffee is bad for you" "coffee is good for you" teen-sex on the rise/ teen sex on the decline the list goes on.
i'm over it.