Monday, October 13, 2008

Tri Celebration - It Takes A Family

We did it!

Sam coaching Michelle through a slipped chain at the bike start

Sandy speaking sternly to her bike to "stay on the rack!" as she heads out to run.
Sandy, heading out on the run:  "Dang, I had a good bike!"

Eli:  "Am I big enough yet?"

Michelle, in pro fashion, fastening her number belt as she heads out for the run.

David and Isaac, sportin' their "do's"

The bro's and "rayhawks"

Sam and Amber sporting milk mustaches like pros

Sam & Sandy (contorting her body to keep her hand-me-down mustache on)

Isaac, PIC (pilot in command), after the race, with Prema and Michelle .  
The amount of kids rides at Cypress Gardens was wonderful.

Note to Wisconsin family:  I milked the cow!"

Our fans, Kyle, Mom, & Prema.
Oh, the fun of spinning and jerking!

You gotta click on this one to see the ham action:-)

Eli and Michelle enjoying our last ride of the afternoon.  The adults were bushed, but the kids were energizer bunnies.  As we turned from the merry-go-round to leave the park, Isaac was saying, "Just one more ride..."

The Publix Family Fitness Weekend at Cypress Gardens was a whirlwind of activity for our family, but even with all the craziness most of us had plenty of moments of laughter and fun to mix in with the fatigue. 

Michelle and I: 
  • started the race with nerves and questions (both:-), 
  • swam with enjoyment (both) and speed! (Michelle), 
  • biked with power (both), 
  • ran & walked with delight (the garden part) and determination (the parking lot laps) and 
  • finished with smiles (both) and sweat (me).

We both achieved our primary goal (to finish!) and our secondary goal (Michelle: to have fun, me: to better my St. Leo time) and were happy with our times. We both hope to race again and are already discussing how to get faster - the guys are already shopping for a light road bike for Michelle.

We learned that: 
  • Eli gets a powerful second wind about 9:00 pm in hotel rooms, 
  • Prema loves to ride roller coasters and "scary" rides, 
  • Isaac sings songs to entertain himself during lengthy drives strapped in his car seat, 
  • Amber has a powerful sweet tooth and tackles Sudoku puzzles with a vengeance, 
  • Sandy needs another person to point out the swim markers since she can't actually see them from the shore without her glasses
  • Michelle swims fast
  • David can be relaxed and flexible when he leaves his weekend bag in Largo
  • Sandy's Mom keeps a cheerful, positive attitude even when she's bone tired, 
  • David, Kyle, and Sam, love us immensely and support us with much practical help and encouraging words. 
Well, that last one, especially, we already knew, but reminders are always welcomed.

Thank You:

  • Sam and Amber for flying down to be with us and cheer us on....and to entertain the kids, get our bikes in race condition, take all these photos and shuttle David to the airport, etc.  Your presence and help was much appreciated.

  • Mom for spending your birthday weekend to watch us race and enduring our noise and craziness with good humor and flexibility.

  • David and Kyle for supporting and encouraging us and for spending much money, time, and energy to help us accomplish the things we want to do.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I love the commentary!!!! It was a joy to cheer and celebrate with you this weekend. love you