Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bluegrass 10K

That's yours truly in the background (green shirt). In the midst of passing these yahoos on my way to a 41:55 10000 meter road race, they yelled to people on an overpass, "Hey rich people, don't spit on us!" Hence my smile.

Avg. HR: 179

It's an odd thing when the only person to truly keep one accountable is oneself. I have few measures against myself currently. I think I could have run this race faster had I done some speedwork and focused on it leading up to the race. However, doing all the aerobic work has kept me from that. Speedy road races will be the focus next march as I'm prepping for St. Anthony's in April.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Nice job bro! I gotta get signed up for St. Anthony's for sure!